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Health Colorado

Welcome to your regional organization. Health Colorado is your regional organization in Region 4. Our role is to join your physical and behavioral health benefits into one plan. We are here to help you improve your health, wellness, and life outcomes.

New Member & EPSDT Resources
Address & Renewal Updates Wellness and Prevention Resources
What would make my healthcare better?
Care Coordination
If you need any document from our website in large print, Braille, other formats, or languages, or read aloud, or you need a paper copy, please contact us. We will send this to you free of charge within five (5) business days. HCI can also connect you to language services including American Sign Language or help you find a provider with ADA accommodations. Our number is 888-502-4185 or 711 (State Relay) for members with speech or hearing disabilities. These services are free.

If you want any information on this website sent to you in paper form, please call us at 888-502-4185. We will send it to you for free within five (5) working days.

Español (Spanish) ATENCIÓN: HCI puede conectarlo con servicios lingüísticos, incluido el lenguaje de señas americano, o ayudarlo a encontrar un proveedor con adaptaciones ADA. Nuestro número es 888-502-4185 o 711 (Retransmisión Estatal) para miembros con discapacidades del habla o auditivas. Estos servicios son gratuitos.
Member Dental Benefits Your Opinion Matter Survey