Read for a Healthy Life
Learn how to improve your health! Achieve Solutions is an easy resource to use and has over 200 topics that relate to a healthy life.
I choose to learn how to improve my health!

Eat Better for a Healthy Life
You only get one body. Feed it well. Eating healthy is vital to your well-being.
I choose a healthy body!

Increase Your Energy and Fitness
You can put more purpose and movement into your day. You can and you will do it! Fitness is important for better focus, overall joy, and reduced depression.
I choose fitness!

Leave vaping, e-cigarettes and tobacco behind for good!
Don’t let smoke fog your future.
I choose to quit today!

Fighting Depression
When you have depression, it can affect every area of your life. There is treatment to help you. Talk with your Care Coordinator, PCP, or Counselor today! Depression can be treated. Decide to enjoy life again.
I choose to enjoy life again!

Sleep Better, Live Better
When you sleep better, you live better. You will be more refreshed.
I choose to get more sleep!

Control your Stress
It is very common for people to have stress. Sometimes you may need to take a time out, breathe deeply, or meditate.
I choose to be calm!

Healthy Ways to Weight Loss
When you manage your weight, you will boost your health.
I choose to lose weight!

Winning Against Cancer
You may be overwhelmed if you get diagnosed with cancer. It is important to receive support. Talk with your mental health center, PCP, or Care Coordinator for help.
I choose to ask for support today!

Break the Habit
When you choose to give up an alcohol or drug habit, you have a sense of victory!
I choose to give up my habit!

Family Planning
How to choose if or when to become pregnant or to become a parent.
I choose to learn more about family planning today!
Eat Better for a Healthy Life
Increase Your Energy and Fitness
Leave vaping, e-cigarettes and tobacco behind for good!
- What’s so bad about vaping?
- Colorado Quit Line | Línea para dejar de fumar de Colorado
- Quit Line 101 Video
- Colorado Tobacco’s Toll
- Do You Have a Nicotine Addiction? Find out!
- Health First Colorado’s Tobacco Cessation Benefits
- JUUL, Vaping and Electronic Cigarettes, a public health crisis.
- National Quitline
- SmokeFree.gov
- Smokeless Tobacco
- Tobacco Free Colorado
- Vaping – what parents need to know.
- Vaping – What clinicians need to know.
- Vaping what clinicians need to know – Spanish.
Fighting Depression
Sleep Better, Live Better
Control your Stress
Healthy Ways to Weight Loss
- Aim for a Healthy Weight
- Are your weight management habits healthy? Find out!
- Weight Control Information
- myfitnesspal – Website and phone app
Winning Against Cancer
Break the Habit
- Heroin Tip Sheet
- SAMHSA’s National Helpline
- Reduce high risk drinking
- sobertool – Website and free phone app
- gopinkcloud – Website free phone app
Got Teeth?
Family Planning
You can find information on family planning by creating an account on Colorado PEAK or downloading the app on your phone. You can find out about free birth control options as a Health First Colorado member. Simply go to benefits and click Family Planning.